I don't know where I want to go tonight.
For one, I've got a wicked cold. (Hear it in my voice?)
For another, this weekend has been insanely good/busy/sleepless.
For a third, I'm in a Sufjan state of mind.
For something else, I can go on and on about this chicken cheese steak I ate earlier.
For your sake, I don't want to elaborate on any.
I'm just not feeling good. Don't know why I even made the effort to write.
Actually I take that back. I needed an excuse to sit on my bed with the headphones in and listen to Sufjan. I needed to feel mellowed. I'm all about the mellowed.
I'm also all about getting some sleep.
(Interestingly, I have so much in my head at night...like right now...but I physically can not move it to the keys. It's all backed up, wanting to overflow and come on through but it just can't. Wild...like constipation)
Wild...like my need for repeating sentences.
Wild...like my stupid sense of night humor.
It's the aspirin. I swearz it.
Labels: 2. The Transition Period