What's right is I'm drinking coffee. I finished my speech and I'm listening to some quality music.
What's not right?
I need some artistic writer friends in my life.
This apartment sometimes is way too left brained for me. There needs some right sided creativity up in this joint.

On another note, I got the bagillionth 88% of my life. This time was on my first graded speech.
That number defines my life, everything I do. It all comes back to 88. And look at it. It's such an average number, 2 steps away from being an A. Never quite there. Always consistent but never special. Yep. I identify with a number. (But that's not an engineering thing rubbing off on me. I swear)

So the speech went well. I didn't pee too much down my leg. Nobody came in underwear. My voice never cracked. The teacher said it was a good first speech. So I'll take it. Would've preferred at least a 90, but what can you do? Abbsollutelly noothingg. Ugh. (That's what it's good for) I guess.

Finally this weekend is coming up. As I've been saying and people just don't seem to get, my life will be complete after this concert. To them, Mraz is just another wanna be John Mayer, singer songwriter esque pop star. But nope. That offends me. If I get started on his appeal, I'll sound even more ridiculous so just trust me. There's more to "You & I Both" than just being a one hit radio leech. There's more to the artist. Remember that. The best of Mraz has never been released on a studio album. That's all I'm trying to say.

Pressing onward..my life is one busy mess. A "beautiful mess," but at least when the weekend comes I can "sleep all day." As for now, I'm eating a slice of "humble [pumpkin] pie" and "worrying my life away." I need a "remedy."

My homework. When in doubt, whip the pencil out......
Better yet, let's just skip the possible innuendo, allow me to turn in my assignment right now, and just give me the gee-darn 88. mmkay?


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