Man I am old.
Have you seen how far down that history stretches on the right hand side?? I never realized how long I've been fanatically typing away my life. Granted, it's not like I do anything terribly important anyway, but I'm pleased with the progress of that "Who I Was" bar.

Anywhoo, I'm doing this 1. out of boredom and 2. because I have nothing better to do and I feel like writing. But that's so much easier done in my head these days.
I like to do THIS sometimes without any purpose in mind other than no purpose. It's gratifying. Especially after expending so much thought on wordpress and putting every phrase down with the utmost precision and practicality. All that takes effort. Too much effort sometimes if you ask me. BUT the hardest things in life are also the most rewarding so in that sense, I have developed a love for the elegance and simplicity of

Mistake as it may have been, the love-child is worth it.
Where else can I spend 45 minutes carefully writing a blog that nobody will read?


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