I give up watching football when I can't figure out which way each team is supposed to run. Since that pretty much shoots my manhood-confidence-level to hell in 60 seconds flat, I waste no time leaving the room to come up and listen to Alan Jackson and the Pussycat Dolls. And then I sit here at my laptop for 10 minutes thinking about how hot this battery is on my crotch, how much I would really enjoy it if the air conditioning magically comes on, and why it is I allow sugars and chips to build up in my stomach and turn into fat when I could be doing something productive like learning how football works or learning how to assemble car parts with greasy hands and a plaid shirt in cold, frigid air on a Sunday night.

Instead, I did none of that. Instead, I ate tacos and baked. (In that order)

I love Sundays. I love the feel of Sunday air. It's relaxing. I woke up and went to church this morning. Then had Dunkin donuts and a coffee and Springsteen and the paper at the table. I'm always a fan. Lately though, it seems I'm a fan of doing nothing. And I'm okay with that. (halt. That's another story. Just not now) Then I watched "Burn After Reading," ate some more candy, downloaded 33 songs, listened to music with headphones, mused about how I wished I could be doing something productive with my life, and feigned interest in football.

[Tangent = connected]

So what am I doing now?
1. waiting for the banana bread to finish
2. preparing for disaster
3. listening to Royksopp
4. sniffing my shirt sleeves
5. looking around for dog

Working tomorrow. What else is new? Back to Rowan in 2 weeks. Has break really moved this fast? Royksopp just changed over to Sigur Ros. (Milano is a 10 minute song?!) And now I feel like all of my energy, all of that sugar built up from chips and candy bars has just collapsed in the pits of my stomach. I'm left feeling tired, uninspired, burned out. Ya know? I should exercise. I should be more active. I should stop eating candy. I should get a haircut too.

Hey. The Eagles just scored a goal.


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