I feel like I'm a new father. Actually, it's not good. This iphone has been the focus of my past 3 days. Is that healthy?
Just last night, I went to put the phone to bed (aka charge it) and found myself googling if it was harmful to charge the battery too much. All of today I find myself going to store to store looking for a cradle (aka docking station). Just 5 minutes ago, I find myself giving it a bath (aka polishing the plastic).
Umm crazy much
Yeah so what do you expect? I wait 2 hard long months for this thing, stand in line for over 2 hours, and find people everywhere clamoring to get them because they're sold out in every at&t and apple store. Not to mention the large sum I paid. I have to go all "over protective parent" on it. One day, my phone will thank me. Just wait. It's gonna come in handy for some crux situation down the road and my iphone will be there for me.
Just like I'm always there for it.

Sleep tight.


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