Is it so wrong that I want a black lady to raise my kids?
I'm talking BIG black lady. As a nanny. Advisor. Personal assistant.
I look up to Madea. And Big Momma. And anyone who can pull off the phrase, "boy if you don't quit movin' yo lips...or...i'm bout to choke you."
I'd like to maybe once go to a Baptist church and shout some hallelujahs with the pastor and shake my thighs and wave some jazz fingers to the lawd.
OH Happy Day!

This is another phase. Comes to me because I saw the new Tyler Perry movie tonight and it's slightly absurd how hard I can laugh when you put a man dressed up as a big, angry black lady up on the big screen.
I love being only one of two white guys in the movie theater.
And I am not ashamed.
Now matter how melodramatic movies like this may be, you've got to appreciate some mindless SOUL food every now and then.

In the meantime, you won't be hearin no mo' cowboy music comin' from dis brotha!


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