It overtook me.
Like a chip. Like a spicy chip in stifling dip. Like a sudden
I wanted to lug nut some nut.
I wanted to jack a screw and just send it
But it's easier to just sit here.
And watch.
And listen.
And nod.

I hate car grease. What's so appealing about car grease?
That cloud is appeasing. It laughs but I don't
The pavement is more juicy.
It's soft. And more fun. And more
It's easier to just sit here.
And watch.
And listen.
And nod.

4 hours later, I bump into some canvases, trip into some melodies and I burp really loud over dinner in a public restaurant. And I say, "Laugh. Because I just don't care. I just don't care. I just don't care"


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