Hello. My name is Ryan.
Here is a summary of my day.

When I awoke from my sleep this morning, I rolled to the side of my bed and proceeded to piss and moan my way down to the floor because my body was so bloody achy from the night before. It must be the cold and the stifling heat I feel in my chamber along with my sickness. I should..no.. I must invest in a humidifier and save my nose the trouble of keeping so much stored up snot in the nasal passages.

I ate a bagel. Buttered.
I downloaded music. Decemberists.
I showered. Hot water.

I dressed for the day in a maroon polo knowing full well that it was the day of St. Patrick and on the day of St. Patrick, people wear green. I did not feel like wearing green because today did not feel like a green day and green would not have looked good on me. So I chose maroon and was content with just a little bit of green in the shape of an embroidered abercrombie moose on the left breast side.

I drove to the library. Windows down.
I drove more places. Music loud.
I ate lunch. Hoagie. Cheese. Hot peppers.

I spent the rest of my day basking in the sun and being whimsical. One moment, I decided to lay down on the concrete and close my eyes to the sky above me. I did this for about 5 minutes before getting cold and going inside. Later on in the day, I did this in the grass. But that time, I stayed longer and felt heat on my face on account of the sun and felt good, summery grass prickles on the backs of my hands. And just 15 minutes ago, I took it to the hot tub where I stayed 25 minutes in the hot water. It was night time so I looked at the stars.
So peaceful. I got some good think time.

I will read tonight. A new book.
I will arise tomorrow. More snot.
I will do stuff tomorrow. More stuff.


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